Brooklyn Nets “Chris Chiozza” Visits Rockits
Newly signed Brooklyn Nets guard Chris Chiozza returned for his second visit with the New York Rockits
NY Junior Rockits – Summer League Champions
Congratulation to the New York Junior Rockits 11U – Champions of the 2021 Apex Summer Basketball League – 4th/5th grade division.
Helen Lee Memorial Scholarship Fund Awardee
Elissa Leung was awarded the scholarship 0f $1,000. She will be a sophomore at Baruch College nd plays for the Rockits women’s team and Baruch’s women basketball team.
Elissa Leung – New York Rockits’ #1 Student Athlete
Elissa will be attending Baruch College in the Dean’s Scholars Program and will be able to play her favorite sport for the Baruch Bearcats
2019 Rockits Scholarship Winner Announcement
The NY Rockits is proud to announce the winners of our 2019 Rockits Scholarship. Our High School winners grades range from 86.7 thru 97.2 also the College GPA ranking ranged from 3.23 to 4.0. High School Winners: William Jiang Tyler Kong Kaayla Lee Aaron Kong Dominic Chan Matthew Lee Justin Ng Elissa Leung Kimberly Lau […]
The 23rd Annual Asianhoops 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
STILL GOING STRONG! It’s the 23rd Annual Asianhoops 3 on 3 Basketball Championships sponsored by Manhattan Bridge Orthodontics
NY Rockits at the 2017 37th Annual NACBA Basketball Tournament
New York Rockits participated at the 2017 37th Annual North American Chinese Basketball Tournament held at Madison, Wisconsin.
New York Rockits at Brooklyn Nets Barclays Center
The New York Rockits’ players and coaches took in a Brooklyn Nets game back in February, 2017 and was fortunate to meet with…
NY Rockits at the 2016 36th Annual NACBA Basketball Tournament
New York Rockits participated at the 2016 36th Annual North American Chinese Basketball Tournament held at Dallas, Texas.
NY Rockits Celebrates 2016 Chinese New Year
The New York Rockits celebrated the 2016 Chinese New Year with our annual participation in New York Chinatown Lion Dance.